DISCLAIMER: The Commercial Sponsor, upon signing the agreement for sponsorship, expressly releases the Kansas Chapter of APCO and its members and representatives from any and all claims of injury, loss, or damage that may occur to the vendor sponsor, the vendor sponsor’s employees, or the vendor sponsors property from any cause whatsoever.
An invoice will be emailed to the contact on the form, for payment.
Please send payment to Kansas Chapter APCO Attn: Sarah Bell 1001 S. Seth Child Rd., Manhattan, KS 66502.
If you must pay by card or bank transfer, email us at treasurer@ksapco.org
Please be aware that there will be a 3% admin fee added to all Credit Card Payments.
Note: Conference attendees, either paid or as provided through the sponsorship level, will need to be registered for each individual attending the conference via the APCO website Commercial Partner page.