Kingdom Purpose TV Hosting Agreement
This agreement is made between **Kingdom Purpose TV** (hereinafter referred to as "the Station") and **[Your Name]** (hereinafter referred to as "the Host").
1. Agreement to Host
The Host agrees to host a show on Kingdom Purpose TV for a duration of:
one 30 minute or one 1 hour time slot.
2. Monthly Donation
The Host agrees to make a monthly donation as the Lord directs their heart to support the Station's operations and mission.
3. Promotion of Advertisements**
The Host agrees to promote all advertisements of the Station. This includes but is not limited to:
- Sharing promotional content on social media platforms.
- Mentioning Station advertisements during their show.
- Encouraging their audience to support Station sponsors and partners.
4. Inviting Others to Become Hosts
The Host agrees to actively invite others to become hosts on Kingdom Purpose Radio. This includes reaching out to individuals who have a word, story, or message to share, and encouraging them to join the Station. (The more shows we have on the station the more organic growth will be possible.)
5. Content and Conduct
The Host agrees to:
- Ensure all content aligns with the values and mission of Kingdom Purpose Radio.
- Refrain from using language or sharing content that is offensive, inappropriate, or contrary to Christian principles.
- Adhere to the scheduled times for their show and notify the Station in advance of any changes or cancellations.
6. Use of Images and Videos
The Host gives permission to the Station to use all images and videos related to their show as it sees fit to further promote the Station. This includes but is not limited to:
- Social media posts
- Promotional videos
- Advertisements
- Website content
7. Termination
Either party may terminate this agreement with a 30-day written notice. The Station reserves the right to terminate the agreement immediately if the Host violates any terms of this agreement.