Sell Us Your Gear
Please reach out to us if you are interested in selling any of your instruments, amplifiers, or effect pedals. We are mainly interested in vintage gear but are always happy to consider new and used gear. We buy individual instruments as well as entire collections. Please include photos or mention year, make, model, serial number, originality, case, and any other relevant notes. It is really helpful to give us a ballpark asking price so we have a good understanding of what you are selling.
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Where are you located?
Tell us about your gear! Be sure to include a brief description, any model name or numbers, brand, year, and any relevant notes on condition.
What is your ballpark asking price?
This is the value you are looking to get from Southside, not what you believe the item would sell for at full retail pirce. We are a reseller, so we will only be able to pay a percentage of the retail value.
Please include any photos you have
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You can also text photographs to our store cell phone at 917-517-1754
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