I, the undersigned, being over 18 years of age, am the legal owner or legally authorized agent for the owner, of the animal described above. If I am not the owner, then I am requesting euthanasia with the full knowledge and consent of the owner. I am declining further medical care for the above animal, and requesting euthanasia.
I authorize Dr. Sharon Sernik, and Journey’s End Home Euthanasia Service Inc. to perform this euthanasia, and release them from any and all liability for performing said euthanasia.
I agree to have Dr. Sernik choose a euthanasia protocol at her sole and exclusive discretion, and have had all of my questions and concerns regarding this process answered before signing this consent.
I certify that the animal described above has not bitten or scratched anyone in the last 15 days, or been exposed to rabies.
I understand that euthanasia involves administering injections, which will cause painless and irreversible death.