I am a...
Band Member
Manager / Agent
Your Email
Band Name
Band Genre of Music (Rock, bluegrass, Pop, Funk, etc)
Band Contact Info (Looking for band member names, emails, phone, or agent info if you have it)
Part 2 - Fill if you are a Band or Agent, skip otherwise
Upload your Photos and / or Electronic Press Kit (EPK) here, 10MB max each file (optional)
Browse Files
pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, csv, txt, rtf, html, zip, mp3, wma, mpg, flv, avi, jpg, jpeg, png, gif
Add any links below to EPK, videos, websites, facebook page, etc. (strongly recommended)
Number of Band Members
Give us your budget range
List any other Festivals / Events you are playing May 27 - June 10 (Date, Event, Location)
We have a no play radius requirement of 125 miles through the above dates, depending upon venue
Additional Comments
Should be Empty: