Liability Waiver
Pertaining to Productions, Auditions, Rehearsals, Meetings, Workshops, Camps, Classes and Community Events of the Youth Artist Guild Lubbock ("YAGL"). As parent/guardian of the aforementioned child/children I hereby release and discharge the above named organizations, it’s agents, employees, and sponsors, from all claims, demands, actions, judgments, and executions which I may have or which my heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns may have, or claim to have against the above named organization, it’s successors or assigns, for all personal injuries, known or unknown, and injuries to property, real or personal, caused by or rising out of the above signed activities. I authorize the activity's authorized designee to secure any and all emergency medical care and treatment for my child for acute illness suffered or injury sustained while participating in said activities. I understand that the costs of the services provided by ambulance, private physician, clinic, hospital, or dentist remain the responsibility of the parent or guardian and will not be assumed by the YAGL and/or EDGE , or any of it’s members or associates. I, the undersigned, have read this release and consent to medical treatment and understand all its terms. I execute it voluntarily and with full knowledge of its significance.