I authorize The Skin Studio to perform Micro-Needling treatments.
I understand this technique involves the introduction of fine needles through the skin. The purpose is to create micro-channels in the skin allowing the infusion of active ingredients (such growth factors and hyaluronic acid) to penetrate deeply and effectively into the dermis, nourishing the skin and stimulating the regrowth of collagen. A series of 3 to 6 treatments are recommended and the frequency will depend on the intensity and depth of the needle.
I understand that the treatments require many small injections on the area(s) to be treated. I understand that the administration of numbing creams may be used if deemed needed.
Micro-needling is not suitable in these circumstances:
⬥ Have used Accutane (isotretinoin) within the last year
⬥ Have open wounds, cuts or abrasions on the skin
⬥ Have had radiation treatment to the skin within the last year
⬥ Have any kind of current skin infection, condition, or herpes simplex in the area to be treated
⬥ Are pregnant or breastfeeding
⬥ Have any history of keloid or hypertrophic scars or poor wound healing
I understand that I might experience the following side effects. I also understand that it will go back to normal within 24-48 hours.
- Flushed or red skin
- The tightness of the skin
- Mild sensitivity to touch
- Moderate sunburn
- Itching and burning
I confirm that I will follow the pre-care and post-care instructions by the esthetician.
I understand that this procedure does not guarantee any specific result.
I understand the risks and complications of this procedure. The following risks include: infection, hyperpigmentation, allergic reaction, scarring, pain, itchiness, or swelling.
I understand that this procedure or service is non-refundable.
I release The Skin Studio LLC. from any liabilities and hold harmless against damages or accidents that might happen during the procedure.
I confirm that I have had the chance to ask any questions about the treatment to the esthetician.
I confirm that I will consult my physician if I have the following contraindications:
- Rashes
- Acne
- Skin infection
- Viral, fungal, bacterial infection
- Pregnant
- Diabetes
- Taking NSAIDS, Warfarin, or any anticoagulants