First Name
Last Name
Totally optional!
Please be sure your email is typed correctly or we will not be able to reply to your submission.
Phone Number
I am 18+ years of age and can provide a valid ID on the day of my appointment
I am looking for a
Tattoo Appointment
Price Estimate
Preferred days of the week
We will only send you availability for the days you list!
Preferred Time
Kelly mainly works from 12-8pm, but can make exceptions! Please note her rate is $200/hr +tax for appointments booked outside of her main hours.
Desired Tattoo
e.g. Flash, Custom, Cover-up, Rework, etc.
Desired size (Roughly in inches)
Please give us your best guess at sizing!
Desired placement
Please provide a detailed description of your tattoo idea:
Don't be shy, give us all the details! Be sure to include if you are looking for black & grey or colour!
Please attach 1-3 reference photos if you have them
Browse Files
Drag and drop files here
Choose a file
Please make sure they are .jpeg files or we won't be able to see them
Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns about anything at all. We will do our best to answer.
Thank you for taking the time to complete our form, we look forward to tattooing you!
Please allow a few days for a response.
Should be Empty: