I acknowledge that I have read and fully understand the contents of this Liability Statement Form for Total Body Submersion Waiver/Release of Liability ("Form"I understand that this Form contains a release of liability and a waiver of certain legal rights.
I agree and understand that swimming is a hazardous activity. I understand that there are risks inherent in taking swimming lessons, including but not limited to, paralyzing injuries and death. Ihereby agree to participate in the T.B.S program and hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless the T.B.S aquatics program I, its instructors, owners, management, agents and employees against any liability resulting from any injury that may occur to me while participating in the swim lesson program. I also agree to indemnify the T.B.S forany damages incurred arising from any claims, demand, action or cause of action by
I authorize any representative of the T.B.S aquatics program to have me treated in any medical emergency during my participation in the swim lesson program. Further, I agree to pay all costs associated with medical care and transportation for me.
I acknowledge that I am voluntarily participating in the T.B.S aquatics program and that I am doing so with full knowledge of the risks involved. Iacknowledge that I have had the opportunity to ask any questions regarding this Form and that I fully understand its contents. I agree that this Form shall be binding upon me, my heirs, executors, administrators and assigns.
Photography:T.B. program may photograph or film video of students before, during, or after classes (while on T.B.S program) for marketing and publicity purposes unless parents provide notice to T.B.S program that they would not like their child photographed or filmed.