Audition Form
Join us.
When are you planning on auditioning for this badass show? NOTE: Our times have changed to June 5th or June 7th, 6-9PM.
Please Select
Monday, June 5, 6-7PM
Monday, June 5, 7-8PM
Monday, June 5, 8-9PM
Wednesday, June 7, 6-7PM
Wednesday, June 7, 7-8PM
Wednesday, June 7, 8-9PM
What are they calling you these days?
First Name
Last Name
Where you living these days?
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Emergency Contact Name, preferably someone alive
Which roles are you auditioning for?
Ash Williams - The Killing Demon King. You know what time it is.
Cheryl - Ash's annoying sister who likes to read books... except the Book of the Dead. She's not cool with that book.
Shelly/Annie - Doubles both as a cute ditzy blond and an intellectual scientist who can speak ancient Candarian.
Linda - Ash's sweet and bubbly girlfriend. She must be small enough to fit in a cramped space underneath a table. We'll explain later.
Scotty - Ash's trusted best friend. He's kind of a jerk.
Ed - Mid-30s, pretty forgettable. Wait, is this character in this show? Just kidding. Ed is a lovable guy who doubles as a bit part demon.
Jake - He's good. He's old. Yet he's reliable. He's a good old fashioned hick who lives them there in them woods.
Fake Shemp - Ensemble member who steals the show by giving it their all. Trust us: this role is the bomb and a show stealer.
Faker Shemp - Ensemble member who stops caring around Act II. Trust us: this role always stole the show during the tour.
Would you accept another role if you don't get the one you're auditioning for?
Absolutely, this show rocks socks
What are your pronouns?
Please Select
Gender Identity?
Please Select
I prefer not to say
Upload a headshot with your beautiful face (optional)
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What song will you be SINGING for us at the audition? And which musical is it from?
What song will you be ACTING for us at the audition? And which musical is that one from?
Tell us the center of your vocal singing range.
Please Select
Not sure
Can you read music?
Yeah, sure.
Nope. But I know something sharp when I hear it. Like a chainsaw.
Can you dance?
Absolutely. Watch me whip. Then watch me nae nae.
I can absolutely throw down with a few drinks in me.
No, though I don't mind getting up in front of a crowd and wiggling a spell.
Nope. Don't even think about asking.
What conflicts do you have with rehearsal? If you have more than 8-10 conflicts, this might not be the show for you. Because this show requires a ton of coordination between the virtual set, blood rig prep, and set pieces flying on and off stage, we need folks there for most of these times.
Mon, July 10, 6-10p
Tue, July 11, 7-10p
Wed, July 12, 7-10p
Sat, July 15, 10a-2p
Mon, July 17, 7-10p
Tues, July 18, 7-10p
Wed, July 19, 7-10p
Thurs, July 20, 7-10p
Sat, July 22, 10a-2p
Sun, July 23, 10a-2p
Mon, July 24, 7-10p
Tues, July 25, 7-10p
Wed, July 26, 7-10p
Sat, July 29, 10a-2p
Mon, July 31, 7-10p
Tues, Aug 1, 7-10p
Wed, August 2, 7-10p
Mon, August 7, 7-10p
Tues, August 8, 7-10p
Wed, August 9, 7-10p
Thurs, August 10, 7-10p
Sat, August 12, 10a-2p
Sun, August 13, 10a-2p
Mon, August 14, 7-10p
Wed, August 16, 7-10p
Thurs, August 17, 7-10p
Sat, August 19, 10a-2p
Sun, August 20, 10a-2p
Aug 21-31 (tech & show)
Sep 1-3 (show & strike)
Anything else we should know about you?
I confirm that I will be over the age of 18 on August 27, 2023.
Should be Empty: