Bronze Award Final Project
Part 1: To be completed by the Leader/Advisor
Troop #
Service Unit
Please Select
153 Parke/Vermillion County
162 North/South Vigo County
163 Central Vigo County
181 Clay County
183 Putnam County
202 Wayne/Union County
204 Franklin County
205 Fayette County
206 Rush County
316 Grant County
337 Madison County
354 Randolph County
365 Henry County
371 Blackford Coutny
372 Delaware County
382 Jay County
401 Carroll County
407 Howard/Tipton County
520 White County
540 Tippecanoe County
570 Clinton County
580 Montgomery County
590 Benton/Fountain/Warren County
602 Sterling (Boone County)
603 Pike Township
605 Zionsville
607 Danwood (Danville)
608 Westside Indy (Wayne Township)
609 Hunter (Brownsburg)
610 Avon
611 Hamilton Southeastern
612 Morgan County (Martinsville/WaMoNa)
614 Decatur Township
617 Warren Township
625 Irvington/Ft Square
627 SouthEast Indy
628 Shelby County
629 Johnson County South
630 Fishers
635 Midtown
641 Ft Ben (Lawrence Twp)
642 Washington Township
650 East/Central Marion County
651 Manuka (Noblesville Area)
653 JoSheWe (Westfield/Sheridan)
660 Wagon Trail (Plainfield)
663 Carmel East
665 Carmel West
670 Greenwood
671 Hancock County
672 Perry Township
701 Bartholomew County
702 Decatur County
707 Brown County
718 Monroe/Owen County
771 Sullivan County
772 Greene County
774 Switzerland County
775 Ripley County
787 Lawrence County
Check the Journey your team completed:
Agent of Change
Get Moving!
Think Like a Citizen Scientist
Think Like a Programmer
Think Like an Engineer
List the first and last names of all the girls eligible to receive their Girl Scout Bronze Award (please separate names with commas)
Title of Project
Date completed
Date Picker Icon
Part 2: To be filled out by the Girl Scouts who completed the Take Action Project
Grade (Check all that apply)
How did you decide what was needed in your community?
Briefly describe your project
How did your team work together?
What problems came up? How did you solve them?
What leadership skills did you use?
How do you feel you and your team have made the world a better place?
How did you live out the Girl Scout Promise and Law?
Leader/Advisor Name
First Name
Last Name
Leaders/Advisor Email
Leader/Advisor, by signing your name you are confirming that all the information in Part 1 is true and correct, and confirming that Part 2 was answered by the Girl Scouts who participated in the Bronze Award project.
Should be Empty: