What is said in Child Custody Recommending Counseling is confidential under the law. Persons appearing by telephone or videoconference must follow these rules:
1. Please allow up to four hours to participate in your session.
2. You may not record any part of the conversation, use a speakerphone, allow anyone to be in the room with you, or use a cell phone in public. You may not let anyone listen to any part of your session on an extension phone line.
3. Children are not allowed to participate in the session. The children may not be in the room with you, listening in, or able to hear the conversation under any circumstances. It is harmful to children to see their parents upset, hear damaging information about their other parent, or hear parenting time negotiation.
4. You must ensure that you have supervision for any child aged seven or younger for the duration of
the session. Another responsible adult or a family member/sibling aged 12 or older may supervise the children.
5. A parent attending by telephone or video call must be in an environment that is quiet, private, uninterrupted, and distraction-free location. Please avoid public environments, participation while driving, working, providing childcare, or other tasks.
6. A parent attending CCRC by telephone or video call must have the ability to open a PDF document using Adobe Reader, Google Docs, or another document-reading format on their electronic device during the telephone session.
7. A parent presenting by telephone or video call must sign and return any document(s) received within 30 minutes of receipt of the document(s Parents will digitally sign Agreements reached in CCRC and
8. The court will consider any breaking or disregard of these rules a failure to cooperate with the process, which could result in penalties and delay of resolution of your court case.
9. The Child Custody Recommending Counselor will terminate any conference call or video call session if he or she feels a parent is breaking these rules and will report the reason to the court in a memo. Failure to cooperate with these rules of confidentiality can result in sanctions.
I wish to attend CCRC by telephone or video conference. I have read, and I understand the above rules, and I agree to abide by them.