This form may be used to show compliance with Health and Safety Code Section 1596.797 before a child care licensee or staff person performs blood glucose testing on a child in care diagnosed with diabetes. A copy of the completed form should be filed in the child’s record and in the personnel file. A separate form must be filled out for each person who performs blood glucose testing on the child.
I,_________________,(PRINT NAME OF AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE) give my consent for_________________,(PRINT NAME OF LICENSEE OR STAFF PERSON) who work(s) at _________________, (PRINT NAME AND ADDRESS OF CHILD CARE FACILITY) to perform blood glucose testing on my child,_________________, (PRINT NAME OF CHILD) and to contact my child’s health care provider.
In addition, I certify that I have personally instructed the above-named licensee or staff person on how to perform blood glucose testing on my child.
I have also provided the child care facility with written instructions from my child’s physician, or from a health care provider working under the supervision of my child’s physician (for example, a physician’s assistant, nurse practitioner or registered nurse). These instructions include:
- The blood glucose test must be approved by the Federal Food and Drug Administration.
- Specific written directions for performing blood glucose testing in accordance with the physician’s prescription.
- Potential side effects and expected response.
- Actions to be taken in the event of side effects or incomplete treatment response in accordance with the physician’s prescription. This includes actions to be taken in an emergency.
- Instructions for proper storage of the medication.
- The telephone number and address of the child’s physician.