We (Parent/Guardian & Big) understand and agree to:
1. Maintain the match for at least one year. At the one-year anniversary, all parties will complete an annual evaluation and the continuation of the match will be discussed. The match will be assessed on a quarterly basis if it continues beyond the first year.
2. When meeting in-person, volunteers, youth and guardians must adhere to current COVID-19 local and state restrictions and CDC guidelines.
3. Schedule match activities a minimum of two times per month and no more than four times a month for 2-5 hours each outing. Phone calls, video conferencing, and/or emails between the Big and Little are encouraged on the weeks the match is not getting together.
4. Overnight visits are strictly prohibited and will result in closing the match if it occurs, with no exceptions.
5. Big/Parent/Guardian: Communicate effectively with your assigned Match Support Specialist by promptly responding to calls and emails as well as additional contacts as needed for support of the match. Failure to be in communication with your Match Support Specialist on a monthly basis will result in a match closure.
6. Support the one-on-one nature of the match. I will not include friends/spouse/significant other in the match activities. Other children (Little’s siblings, friends, cousins, grandchildren, etc.) cannot participate in the match.
7. All match parties will maintain open and regular communication, share the responsibility in scheduling match activities and relay pertinent information with each other to help foster the match relationship. This includes personal updates for the Big and the Little that may affect the match (i.e. upcoming trips, changes in availability, etc.) in addition to changes in contact information (i.e. new phone number, address, email, etc.).
8. BBBS of SDC encourages and provides ideas for free and inexpensive match activities. Although not mandatory, when and if possible, Parent/Guardian, please share the cost of match activities by providing $5-$10 of pocket money for the Little to spend on the outing. We encourage Parents/Guardians to be open with the Big if a financial situation does not allow for providing pocket money; this will allow a Big to better anticipate how to plan for match outings.
9. Parent/Guardian: I will have my child ready and on-time for match activities, dressed appropriately and fed if necessary, be home when my child returns or make arrangements for proper supervision.
10. Parent/Guardian: I will not cancel match outings as a consequence of my child’s behavior.
11. Big: I will not share any personal Internet profile pages (i.e. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, etc.) or post photos or videos with my Little unless Match Support Specialist and Parent/Guardian permission is given.
12. Contact the Match Support Specialist immediately if a problem arises between the Big and the Parent/Guardian and/or the Little. Contacting your Match Support Specialist as soon as a problem arises will allow for proper support of the match and in most cases resolve a possible miscommunication.
13. Abide by the Big Brothers Big Sisters of San Diego County Child Safety Guidelines during my association with BBBS of SDC.
14. Home visits: Littles may visit the Bigs’ home during a match activity only after being matched for 6 months, with Parent/Guardian and Match Support Specialist permission.
15. Facilitate a positive match closure at the time the match is closed. Before the match is officially closed, one final match activity and/or phone call is encouraged to ensure a positive & healthy closure. Contact your Match Support Specialist prior to match closure to discuss an individualized closure plan.
I, (Little) agree to the following:
1. After each outing, I will tell my Parent/Guardian everything that happens on the activities with my Big.
2. If there is anything that makes me feel uncomfortable or unsafe about my Big, I will tell my Parent/Guardian or my Match Support Specialist.
3. I will not ask to bring my friends, brothers or sisters along on our outings.
4. I will be dressed and ready to go when my Big and I have something planned.
5. I will call my Big ahead of time if I cannot go on our activity so he/she does not have to drive all the way to my house.
6. With my Parent/Guardian’s permission, I can call/text/email my Big to talk and plan activities.
7. I will not expect or ask for my Big to buy me gifts or take me to expensive places.
8. I will not have an overnight visit with my Big.
9. With help, I will help pay for my share of match activities.