First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
How did you hear about this program?
Why are you interested in this training program?
What is your 3-5 sentence bio? We want to get to know you!
What unique qualities will you bring the group of men in this training?
What, if any, men's work have you done before?
What is your level of experience facilitating others? (Workshops, one on one, leadings teams, etc.)
Where do you live? (Country, state, etc.)
If you live outside of the United States, what is the best way to contact you? (Skype handle, WhatsApp number, etc.) If you're in the United States, just type N/A
Do you have the financial resources necessary for this kind of training? If not, are you committed to finding a way to get the resources needed to invest in yourself?
Yes, I'm ready to submit my deposit to hold my spot today!
I don't have the resources yet, but I'm committed to finding the resources and making this work!
I have a few questions I'd like to chat about!
I don't have the resources and am not committed to making this work
Are you available to communicate via email if we need to reach out to you?
Yes, absolutely, I'll be super responsive.
No, I’m going to ghost you.
Have you scheduled your initial meeting with our team?
Book here
Do you agree to receiving important updates and reminders via text message/SMS?
Yes, please keep me up to date via text message
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