IGNITE! Jewish Rochester Community Impact Grant Application
The Federation welcomes project proposals that are collaborative, impactful, new, and/or innovative from eligible applicants.
Applicant Contact Information
Applicant Name
Contact Person
First Name
Last Name
Contact Email
Contact Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Project Details
1. Which type of grant are you applying for?
Please Select
Impact Grant
Micro Grant
2. Which Federation strategic priority does the proposed initiative align with?
Please Select
Taking care of people in need
Ensuring the safety and security of the Jewish community
Building an engaged and flourishing Jewish community
Fostering connections to Israel and global Jewry
3. Please describe the proposed project in detail, including how it aligns with the Federation's strategic priorities:
4. Is this project:
New to your organization
An expansion or refining of an existing program
5. Is this program innovative? If yes, please explain. (Only for Impact Grants - Micro Grant applicants please mark not applicable.)
6. What are your project goals?
7. How will you measure the success of the project?
8. Please list all project partners.
9. Please describe the intended demographic(s) for this project.
Budget and Timeline
Please provide a detailed program budget and explain budget items briefly, including:
10. Source of funds:
11. Budgeted Expenses (including program fees, salary and wages, facilities and rentals, food, supplies, etc.):
12. Other expenses (if none, please indicate so):
13. Please provide specific goals/milestones with dates:
14. Is there anything else you would like the committee to know to help them make their decision? (If none, please indicate so)
If this program is funded, you will need to list the Federation as a funder of this program. You will need to submit a mid-year and end-of-year report, including narrative, impact, and budget information.
I understand and will comply with these requirements.
Need more information?
Please contact Leah Goldman, Chief Planning and Programming Officer, at lgoldman@jewishrochester.org.
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