People taking dieting or sleeping supplements.
Active drug or alcohol addiction.
Crohn’;s Disease/Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).
Severe liver disease.
Severe injury or trauma to the Oesophagus/Esophagus from endoscopy.
Tumors in the throat.
Ulcers in the throat.
Physical trauma or injury to the neck (OFTEN CAUSED BY CAR OR MOTORBIKE ACCIDENTS).
Those who have, or have had in the past, Bulimia.
Gastro-intestinal Reflux.
Chronic inflammatory response syndrome due to mold exposure.
Untreated eosinophilic esophagitis.
Violent/Projectile vomiting.
Esophagus/Esophagus Varices.
Portal Hypertension.
Taken Bufo/5MeO-DMT within 28-days.
Do not fast for 7 days before or after taking Kambo.
Colonics, enemas and liver flushes should be avoided within 3 days before and after taking Kambo. Water-fasting should be avoided within 7 days before and after taking Kambo (THIS IS NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH THE WATER-ONLY FASTING YOU WILL DO 10-HOURS PRIOR TO YOUR SESSION).
You can have water, but not excessively, during this time). You will be instructed by me to drink 1.5-2-liters of water about 10-20 minutes before I place the Kambo on.
It is STRONGLY ADVISED that you do not drink more than 4 liters of water during your treatment, including the 2 hours both before and after.
Do not consume alcohol or other recreational substances 24-48 hours before or after your treatment.
During menstruation (Women on their period are more comfortable if they avoid Kambo. It can increase bleeding and cramping and can often cause lightheadedness and sometimes even fainting).
Oesophagus/Esophagus Rupture
Since Kambo can cause vomiting, I need to have some caution around certain conditions that could weaken the Oesophagus/Esophagus. These do not necessarily preclude you from experiencing Kambo, but it is advisable to make sure to let me know if you have been affected with any of the following:
Boerhaave’s Syndrome (spontaneous rupture of the esophagus).
Severe injury or trauma to the Oesophagus/Esophagus from endoscopy or injury to the neck.
Tumors or ulcers in the throat.
Bulimia currently or in the past.
Gastro-intestinal reflux.
Chronic inflammatory response syndrome due to mold exposure.
Untreated eosinophilic esophagitis.
Oesophagus/Esophagus Varices.
Portal Hypertension.