The Chinook Winds Region of The United Church of Canada is seeking nominations for its Executive which will take office at the rise of the General Meeting May 4-7th.
The Executive will consist of eight (8) to eleven (11) people including the Presiding Officer and the Executive Minister, the exact number to be at the discretion of the Nominations Committee. No one will be a member by virtue of office in another council, committee, or organization.
- The term of a member of the executive shall be three years with the ability to renew a term once.
- The goal would be to have 1/3 of the Executive Council to be elected each year, ensuring continuity of wisdom and welcome of new voices.
- The Chinook Winds Regional Council Executive shall elect a Presiding Officer annually from its membership. No one person shall serve more than a three-year term in that office
- The Presiding Officer shall be responsible to chair the Chinook Winds Regional Council Executive meetings, and the General meetings of Chinook Winds Regional Council, and to be an Ambassador for the Region, be a member of General Council, and other duties as required..
The slate presented to the region will include people who:
*connect to and listen well to the people of the Region;
*articulate the perspectives of the Region;
*consider the well-being of the whole Region;
*hold “the big picture” front and centre in decision making;
*have good individual and group judgment and discernment skills;
*bring skills in church and community governance.
Further, the slate will reflect the many diversities of the Region as far as possible including:
*Indigenous Identity
*Urban, Rural, Geography
*Ordered and Lay
After carefully considering the Nominations received, an Ad Hoc Nominations Committee will create a slate of Candidates to be presented to the gathering for Election.
At the discretion of the Presiding Officer corresponding members to particular meetings might be invited to ensure needed viewpoints or information needed are present during discernment and decision-making. Corresponding members would be named on a meeting-by-meeting basis and there will be no permanent or term corresponding members.
The Executive will meet a minimum of four times a year, at least twice of which will be face-to-face.
The Executive will be a governance body, focusing on:
*Ensuring it is well-informed and knowledgeable about the church and society, particularly in a context of constant change;
*Listening well to the people and communities of faith of the Region;
*Articulating together the vision and desires of the Region;
*Naming the desired outcomes of the work of the Region;
*Directing the Executive Minister through clear policies;
*Using Policy Governance policies and practices as the operating model;
*Monitoring and evaluating the work of the Executive Minister against the stated policies to ensure fiduciary responsibilities and expected Region outcomes are met;
*Selecting and appointing an Executive Minister in partnership with other appropriate church councils.
If you are interested in submitting your nomination or nominating someone else for the Executive of Chinook Winds Region please fill in the following nomination form.
Nominations will be received until: 4:30pm MST - May 5th, 2022