Pursuit to Fair Housing Laws, the management shall neither refuse to rent or lease to any person because of race, color, creed, religion, nation origin, ancestry, handicaps or familial status of the applicant, nor discriminate in the terms offered or the services rendered. Management is not responsible for loss by fire, theft, smoke or water. The undersigned warrants and represents that all statements herein are true and permits verification. Should it be determined prior to or at any time during tenancy that information given was false, landlord reserves the right to terminate said tenancy immediately. This application and application fee are taken subject to previous applications.
I hereby give permission to obtain information on my credit, rental history, criminal history, income verification, now or in the future for the purpose of this application or for enforcing the provisions of any future lease with Huey Real Estate, which include but not limited to, the collection of rent and any other balances due.
By signing this form below, you authorize and give Huey Real Estate permission to process this application under the terms stated above.