In this article, I will introduce you to 8 websites where you can do a online reaction time test. These sites provide simple tests that you can use to estimate yourself how long it takes to complete a specific task.
The tasks are really easy to complete and don't require anything special other than a working computer and an internet connection.
Most websites require you to perform the same task multiple times, and your response time is counted as your average response time.
Some of these sites allow you to save your scores and keep a leaderboard so you can see how you're doing compared to other users. Let's see what kind of test each of them offers.
1. Human Benchmark:

Human Benchmark is the website which is completely dedicated to testing the reaction time.
It provides you with a simple test in which you will see a Blue colored background.
- When you start the test, the color background will change to Green and you’ve to click on the background right after it changes the color.
- You have 5 attempts by default, so try to click as fast as you can. After the 5 attempts, you will see the option to save the score.
- You can choose to save, restart the test and even continue beyond 5 attempts. The reaction time is calculated in milliseconds.
- Clicking on the Save button will save your progress and show you the results. In results, the website shows the average reaction time and percentile score.
- If you get 80 percentile, it means your reaction time is better than the 80% of people who took the same test.
Besides reaction time test, the Human Benchmark website also has a memory test which tests the sharpness of your memory.
The next online reaction time test is provided by the This test is restricted to only 5 attempts and your reaction time is calculated as the average reaction time.
In the test, you will see the traffic light at Red and you’ve to click the large button at the extreme right when it changes to Green.
Try to be as fast as you can. You can also choose to press any key from the keyboard instead of clicking the large button.
3. Intelligence Test:
As the name suggests, the Intelligence Test website offers a lot of tests to test your intelligence. Among its various tests, it offers two reaction time tests.
The first one is the Average Reaction Time and you get 5 chances to take the test. In this test, there are two buttons: Start and Stop.
- Click on Start when you’re ready and wait for the words Push Stop to appear. Just when the word appears, click on the button Stop.
- You’ve to do this 5 times and at the end of 5th attempt, the results will show the total and average time taken.
- The second test is Image response test. In this test, you have to click the Start button and wait for an image to appear.
- Press the Stop button as soon as the image appears.
There is neither any limitation on the number of attempts nor there is any calculation of average reaction time. The test only shows the Best time and Last time.
4. Math Is Fun:
Math Is Fun has a really simple reaction time test for you to take. In the test, you will see a Red colored dot which will turn Yellow.
- You have to click on the dot as soon as it changes the color.
- You have a total of 5 attempts to take and do remember that the dot is small for first 4 attempts and it becomes extremely large in the last attempt.
- On the right side, you will see the time take in each attempt along with the average time taken.
- At the time of the results, the website shows how good was your performance and whether you were quick, slow, or good enough.
5. Egoponts:
Egoponts website has two different tests for you: Reaction Time Test and Position Speed Test.
In the reaction time test, you will get the stoplight at Red color by default. It will change the color to Green and you have to click the extreme right bar in the least possible time.
On the left, it shows the time taken in each of the attempts and the average reaction time.
There is a button called Usage Statistics which you can click to see the score statistics of all the other users.
As for the second test, you will see multiple gray colored squares with one of them changing color to Orange at a given point of time.
You have to click on the square which turns color to Orange. There is a time limit of 30 seconds and you’ve to click on maximum possible Orange colored squares.
6. Top End Sports:
Top End Sports website provides you with the reaction time test in which you have to click on the screen as soon as the background changes the color.
The website gives you 14 colors to choose from before starting the test.
These colors are Lime Green, Deep Pink, Crimson, Dark Khaki, Cadet Blue, Dark Orchid, Coral, Chocolate, Medium Slate Blue, Tomato, Dark Slate Gray, Alice Blue, Corn Flower Blue, and Dark Oliver Green.
- There are two buttons: Start and Stop.
- Click on Start to start the test and click on Stop when the background changes color.
- There are a number fixed number of attempts.
- You can take the test as many times as you want.
- There is an option to submit your best reaction time.
When you have submitted, the website shows you the distribution of the times taken by all the users as a bar graph.
7. Exploratorium:
Exploratorium provides you the reaction time test known as the Fastball Reaction Time. When you will start taking the test, you will see a pitcher on the screen.
You have to wait till the words Swing Batter appear on the screen.
Once they appear, try to click as soon as possible. Depending upon the time taken by you to click, the website shows your reaction time and whether you could have hit the fastball or not.
You can also score a Home Run if you happen to be really fast.
The website claims that the test imitates a 90-mph fastball thrown by an MLB’s pitcher.
They also clarify that the test doesn’t mean whether you could hit a fastball or not, but it gives you an idea whether you could react in time for hitting a fastball or not.
8. Cognitive Fun:
Cognitive Fun is the last website and it has a different reaction time test as compared to all of the above ones.
Till now, you were reacting after seeing a particular thing, but now you will have to react after hearing a sound.
You have to start the test either by clicking on screen or hitting the Spacebar. Once the test starts, you will see a dot on the screen.
You have to click on the dot as soon as you hear the sound.
There are 5 number of attempts after which you can check the results. In results, it shows the fastest time, slowest time, average time, and deviation.
Do remember, you need to have the registered account with the website to get the results.