A. Always leave one member of the group or some other warning of your presence if you are behind a target. Example: Leave bow in front of the target butt.
B. Never release an arrow when you can’t see where it will land. Never “flight shoot” an arrow in the woods. Never shoot straight up in the air.
C. Never shoot a Broken Arrow. Inspect them as you retrieve them.
D. Always remember ... a bow is a deadly weapon, just like a gun. Treat it as such.
E. Never demonstrate your skill by using a person as a target or permitting another to hold an object at which you shoot.
F. Never handle or draw another’s bow without permission.
G. Protect your sport by being careful and sure when you shoot.
H. Never run with bow and/or arrows.
I. DO NOT walk the Field Loops clockwise. ALWAYS travel in a counter-clockwise direction.
A. Littering is prohibited! Please use refuse cans.
B. No glass bottles on the range.
C. Don’t molest the animals or plants.
D. If possible, use the practice areas to sight in and practice.
E. No shooting of blunts or broadheads on the range at any time or place.
F. No bows more than 80 pounds pull are allowed on the range.
G. No firearms or crossbows are allowed on the range.
H. No ungentlemanly or unladylike behavior on the range.
I. No drugs or alcohol of any kind will be allowed on the range