Lights, Camera, Action: $125.00
Hamilton, Lion King, Aladdin…. Have you ever wanted to be on the “big stage”?
Participants will sing, dance, and act the day away. Come learn popular dance moves from the Broadway stage to those made popular by top-performing pop artists. Hip-hop, pop, freestyle, jazz, and more will be taught in this fun-filled week of dance.
Cheer Camp: $125.00
Calling all girls who would love to cheer, dance, tumble, and have a great time!! This camp is designed with fun in mind. The camper will learn basic cheers, how to do stunts, work with pom poms, basic tumbling skills, and dance line routines. No experience is needed – just bring your voice, great personality, and eagerness to learn. Girls will be given pom poms.
Dances From Around the World: $100.00
Dancers will explore the beauty, the stories told, and the music of cultural dances from countries the around the world throughout the week. The Spanish Flamenco, Irish Jig, Japanese Kabuki, Chinese Dragon Dance, Tinikling from the Philippines, and the Hawaiian Hula are just some of the dances campers will learn about through movements as well as the costumes, make-up,
jewelry making, and props for each of the dances. This is a wonderful camp for both a beginner as well as an experienced dancer. Each dancer will leave the camp with knowledge of people around the world, customs they have, and crafts they would make.
Fairy Camp: $100.00
Explore the world of Pixie Hollow in this NEW adventurous camp. Each day will be
spent dancing and learning about fairy life – garden fairies, animal fairies, water fairies, and tinker fairies are just a few of these wonderful flying friends. Each fairy has its own talent and personality waiting to be discovered. Learning dance skills and science goes hand in hand in this camp. Light, motion, color, and sound are taught in Pixie Hollow as well as in this exciting camp. Dancers will create instruments and discover different ways to make sound, create crafts related to light, colors, and more….
Little Movers Camp: $125.00
Calling all toddlers to join us in a wonderful camp of movement, art, and science.
We will be working with both our fine and gross motor skills as we travel through
our favorite storybooks. Old Mcdonald's Farm is just one of the books we will
explore through an ant farm, movement pertaining to the animals, gameplay and
crafts we would see on his farm. Other days will include Guess How Much I Love
You, Mr. Gumpy's Outing, Goodnight Moon, etc. In this camp, we will use balls,
hula hoops, bean bags, and other toys to learn for a fun-filled day of activities.
Seaside Ocean Adventures: $125.00
Dive into magical worlds on the beach and beneath the waves filled with sea shells, mermaids, mermen, dolphins, starfish, sea horses, coral, sea glass, crabs, lobsters, colorful fish, and sand castles. Dancers will be introduced to the treasures of the sand and sea through dancing, creative dramatics, songs, tumbling, and crafting.
Princess Dance Camp: $125.00
What does a Princess of God have in common with Princesses of the world? Find out in this wonderful world of fun. Dancing, grace, poise, and balance are just a few things these campers will learn as we dance, sing, play games, and craft our way through the week. A tea party with Princess attire will conclude our week.
Space Camp: $125.00
Discover the vastness of space and our solar system! It will be a galaxy of fun as we explore movement through space, dance, and songs, create cosmic crafts, and more. Moonwalk over and get ready for a camp that is out of this world.
Splash Camp: $125.00
This camp is for anyone who would like to make a splash this summer from spin
art to splash paint, paint rocks, and water paint. Don’t forget a towel because
there will be at least one wet, water day of fun. Bring your artistic skills as we
paint, dance, and play through this week. Bring your creative talent as we will
discover different ways to bring movement and choreography to life.
Pirate Fun: $100.00
Ahoy Mates! Join us for a Neverland adventure of pirates, parrots, ships, and treasure maps. Crafts, games, tumbling, and movement will fill this week as we explore life on the seas. No pirate camp could be complete without a buried treasure to find. The week will fly by as we learn about pirates from long ago. Feel free to come dressed like a pirate or in your favorite pirate shirt.
Paw Patrol Camp: $125.00
Join us for an exciting search and rescue camp! Learn maneuvers to help you in times of need and solve different puzzles so you too can be part of a rescue team. It is important to bring your creative ideas to this camp. We will be discussing all the different professionals who help to rescue others (police, firefighters, coast guard, etc…). This tumbling and movement camp is bound to be fun for all!
Explore the Outdoors!: $125.00
Come join us for a week of investigating all that the outdoors has to offer. Camping, s’mores, and small hikes are just the beginning. We will be learning about all the outdoors has to offer as we move our way through this camp. It will be a very active week of bugs, hula hoops, hopscotch, making crafts, learning campfire songs, and more as we “Explore the Outdoors!”