Mission Trip Overview
Our combined Middle School & High School work camp weeks will provide a unique and meaningful experience for both age groups. We realize how vastly different a 6th grader is from a 12th on so many levels. Because of that, this combined experience will be a win-win for both age groups from the worksites to the evening program and everything in between!
Type of Work:
Students & adults will engage primarily in a home-repair-based experience. Types of service opportunities may include painting, building steps, handrails, wheelchair ramps, performing yard work, painting, etc. Projects may also include serving at a local food pantry, senior center, children's home, or other non-construction based projects.
Participants will stay at the Hampshire Park 4-H Center in Romney, WV. The kitchen, dining hall, worship area, bathrooms, and showers are all air-conditioned and are new construction as of 2022. The bunkhouses are rustic with electricity but no air-conditioning. They are simple cinder block bunkouses with bunk beds throughout. At times, it may get cool at night as the camp is closer to the mountains.
$450.00 per person ($150 per person non-refundable deposit due within 14 days of registering)
$200 Administrative Fee (Due with deposit)
2025 Mission Trip Week Dates:
June 22-28 (Full)
July 6-12
July 13-19 (Full)
July 20-26
Registration Process:
When you register using this form, you are giving a guaranteed minimum number of participants. This is the number used to generate an invoice and payment schedule. Deposits and payments are nonrefundable and nontransferrable once the contract is returned. If your numbers increase due to interest and family commitments, the JP office will work with you to see if there is space on your week for new participants.
After you submit this form, we will send you a mission trip contract (online form) via email which will include JP's policies & procedures, as well as additional documents that you will need to e-sign and submit.
Adult Leadership Requirements: You must bring 1 same-sex adult for every 7 same-sex students. You must round up in every case. For example, if you are bringing 8 female students, you must bring 2 adult female leaders. Adult leaders must be 21; minimum age for drivers is 25. Please Note: Adult leadership may not exceed 2 adults for 7 students (total).