4/24 Equity Day RSVP - 1pm via Zoom!
Today at 1pm, the bargaining committee plans to make our equity demands clear by presenting articles on Anti-Discrimination, Respectful Work Environment, Access Needs/Accommodations, Immigration, and to address Management’s “Title IX” article. These presentations will include testimony from fellow ASEs & WSU ASE alum, research presentations about discrimination in the workplace, expert testimony, and more. We plan to pack the Zoom room with ASEs so that Management has a clear understanding of how important these issues are to us & our peers. We'll meet ahead of time for Q/A at 12:15, and then join bargaining together at 1.
4/24 Equity Day presentations to admin will start at 1PM. Can we expect to see you there?
Yes, sign me up! Please send me the links to join!
Not available, but would like to connect to support these efforts!
Contact Information
Campus / Extension Center
Are you a current Academic Student Employee (ASE)? This includes teaching assistants, research assistants, staff assistants, tutors, etc.
No, but I'm an alum
No, other
What time are you available to attend on 4/24?
Do you have a story you would like to share on Equity Day or during a future bargaining session? Please reach out to contact@wsucase.org and someone will be in touch soon.
I want to be a part of planning:
Equity Day
Drafting anti-discrimination and related bargaining proposals
Reaching out to fellow ASEs and alum
I'm not sure! Please contact me!
Do you have a story you would like to share on Equity Day? (You can share anonymously or however you feel most comfortable - click yes for more info!)
Provide testimony or get more involved! If you are not interested in doing either, please skip to the end and submit the survey.
ASEs & ASE Alum: Do you have a story about CCR, the Title IX process, harassment or discrimination at WSU that you’d like to share with the bargaining committee? In the next question, you can indicate whether you would like to share this information publicly. If you do not want to share publicly, your personal info will be removed and your story will be shared with the Anti-Discrimination workgroup to assist with proposal development.
I’d like an organizer to reach out to talk through my story (please fill out contact info below!)
I’d like to write it out here
Story or any other information you'd like to share:
If you responded to the question above, would you be willing to have your story shared as part of the Equity Day presentation?:
Yes, but I’d like to do so anonymously (e.g. be read out loud by a fellow ASE as part of the Equity Day presentations)
Yes, I’d like to read it during Equity Day myself.
Yes, I can't make it to Equity Day but would like to record myself reading it.
If you would like to read your story during Equity Day, what time are you available on 4/24?
Should be Empty: