Your personal information on this form and in all other communications related to apprenticeship and related programs will be used by MLTSD to administer and finance Ontario's apprenticeship training program. MLTSD will collect relevant personal information directly from you and indirectly from your school board, employer, sponsor, training institution, Employment Ontario (EO) service provider, Skilled Trades Ontario (STO) and Canada for these purposes and may also disclose your personal information to these organizations. MLTSD may use the services of other Ontario ministries, contractors and auditors to administer and finance apprenticeship training. You may be contacted to request your voluntary participation in surveys and public relations campaigns related to apprenticeship training.
Administration includes assessing and verifying your eligibility for apprenticeship, including your age, education, registering you as an apprentice and maintaining your file; providing financial assistance to you and your training institutions; working with you, your training institutions and your employers or sponsors to support your progress in and completion of workplace and classroom training; conducting examinations; issuing certificates of apprenticeship; evaluating, monitoring and auditing your progress and the activities of your employers, sponsors, trainer(s) and training institutions; reporting to Canada about the effectiveness of apprenticeship training as required under the Workforce Development Agreement (WDA) between Canada and Ontario and the Labour Market Development Agreement (LMDA) between Canada and Ontario; enforcing your agreements with MLTSD and the legislation set out below; enforcing the agreements between MLTSD and your employer, sponsors and training institutions; conducting inspections and investigations; detecting, monitoring and preventing fraud; and conducting policy analysis, evaluation and research related to all aspects of EO programs and services, including apprenticeship training.
Apprenticeship training is funded in part by the WDA and the LMDA. Under these agreements, MLTSD is required to collect your social insurance number to provide reports to Canada to allow it to monitor and assess the Employment Insurance Program under s. 3 of the Employment Insurance Act (EIA) and to track the progress of all clients participating in programs and services funded under these agreements Information you provide on education level, immigration status, Employment Insurance eligibility, Francophone status and prior participation in special apprenticeship programs helps design policies and programs to support apprenticeship completions, and better meet reporting requirements under the Canada-Ontario WDA.
MLTSD will disclose your personal information, including your contact information and your registered training agreement(s), to STO under s. 62 and 63 of the Building Opportunities in the Skilled Trades Act, 2021 (BOSTA) when it is necessary for STO to carry out its responsibilities. MLTSD may also disclose your personal information to:
- any person employed in the administration of similar legislation in any Canadian province or territory under s. 63.(5)(a) of the BOSTA, 2021; and
- to Statistics Canada, if required under s. 13 of the Statistics Act, R. S. 1985, c. &19, as amended.
Your personal information is collected under the authority of the BOSTA, 2021 S.O. 2021, c.28; the WDA, the LMDA, and ss. 3, 63 and 139 of the EIA, S.C. 1996, c. 23, as amended, s. 76.29 of the Employment Insurance Regulations, S.O.R./96-332, ss.10, 34(1) and 36(1) of the Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Act, S.C. 2005, c. 34; s. 8 of the Privacy Act, R. S.C. 1985, c. P-21, as amended; and s. 10.1 of the Financial Administration Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. F. 12, as amended.
Questions about the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information may be addressed to the Manager, Employment Ontario Contact Centre, Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development, 33 Bloor St E, 2nd Floor, Toronto ON M7A 2S3, 1-800-387-5656 toll-free; 416-326-5656 in Toronto; TTY 1-866-533-6339.
By signing this form, you give consent to MLTSD to collect, use and disclose personal information about you as described above.