Philly Volunteer Incentive Packages – we will provide the following:
1. Free Weekend Pass:
Each person volunteering at least 8 hours over the weekend.
2. Access to Hospitality (excluding Sat. dinner) and Free Weekend Pass:
Each person volunteering at least 12 hours over the weekend.
3. Access to Hospitality, Saturday Murder Mystery Dinner and Free Weekend Pass:
Each person volunteering at least 16 hours over the weekend.
Volunteer Hours include, but are not limited to:
- Set up and Tear down Crew
- Door Security on workshops or Main ballroom
- Hospitality Crew
- Registration Crew
- Awards and Store Crew
Each volunteer will need to make their own hotel reservations and be expected to pay for their weekend pass up front and be reimbursed at the end of the weekend.
Hospitality = Breakfast on Saturday & Sunday, Lunch on Friday & Saturday. There is a great hotel resteraunt or tons of door dash & uber eats options.
Contact Shari Huggett-Milton for details (919.539.7513).