Nacré Hair Studio Inc. Consultation Form
Full Name
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
How did you hear about us!
Please let us know if your friend(s) referred you!
What service are you looking to have done?
List of service(s) can be found on our website:
Please provide current images of your hair (must be less than 1 month old.)
Browse Files
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Choose a file
Please submit a photo if you wish to receive a color and/or hair cutting service.
Please provide a brief history of your hair in the past 3-5 years.
Please try to be as honest as possible, as this will allow for an accurate estimate of how your hair will chemically process! Applicable to color clients only.
Please provide image(s) of the hair you're trying to achieve!
Browse Files
Drag and drop files here
Choose a file
Are you taking any medication?
Disclaimer: this may effect how your hair will chemically process. Applicable to color clients only.
Please provide what day in the week/hours of the day you prefer to book your hair appointments.
(ie. Tues. & Fri. after 2pm.) We will do our best to accommodate to your schedule as best as we can.
Please provide what day in the week, hours of the day you prefer to book your hair appointments.
We will do our best to accommodate to your schedule as best as we can.
Our color services can start at $300+ and fluctuate based on product and hair density. Please confirm that this is within the budget of your investment.
Yes, this is within my budget.
I will not be getting a color service.
Our braiding & extension services can start at $180+ and fluctuate based on product and hair density. Please confirm that this is within the budget of your investment.
Yes, this is within my budget.
I will not be getting braids and/or extensions.
Would you like to add a treatment with your colour service or a haircut?
Treatment $30
Haircut $50-$95
Blowdry & Style
THANK YOU! See you soon!
Please allow 1-5 business days for a response. Any other questions/inquires that you may have can be made in the box above.
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