Welcome to The Leaders Create Leaders Creator Collective Application form.
We are thrilled that you are interested in joining our program and taking your brand to the next level in the creator economy. Our goal is to support and empower creators like you, helping you grow your brand, reach new audiences, and achieve your goals in creating a business around you. Thank you for your interest in our program, and we look forward to reviewing your application. If you have any questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We can't wait to see what you bring to the table!
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Thank you for your interest in joining the LCL Creator Collective. To begin, what's your full name?
First Name
Last Name
Best contact email?(The same one you will use throughout your journey with us!)
Best phone number?
Best phone number?[IN]
Please enter a valid phone number.
What is your Instagram handle?
IG is not required to participate, but we do like to follow, share and tag our members!
What is the primary business or project that you are working on?
Why do you want to grow your personal brand? Share your vision for it. Be bold. Be big. Think of what’s possible!
What specifically is blocking you from fully actualizing this vision? Please include your top 3 challenges / concerns that are getting in your way.
In one year from now, where do you want your brand + business to be?
What is your average monthly revenue in USD?
Less than $5k
$5k - 10k
$10k - $25k
$25k - $50k
$50k - $100k
$100k - $250k
You are applying to join The Creator Collective. Understanding that this is an investment of both money, time and energy, do you have the resources or the level of resourcefulness to make it happen?
Have you previously taken any programs or attended events by Leaders Create Leaders? If yes, which one(s)?
How did you hear about this program?
From a friend or referral
LCL Emails
Facebook ad
Facebook post
Google search
[If ‘from a friend or referral’ is selected] Who referred you?
Full Name
If your application is approved, you’ll be directed to booking a call on the next page. We are dedicating our time and resources to this call and ask that you show up on time, on camera and in a distraction-free environment.
I confirm that I will book my call and show up fully present and prepared.
Should be Empty: