By signing below, I, the undersigned, agree that I have voluntarily signed up for the Jay Jack seminar hosted by Frostbite Working Dog Club. I certify that my dog, if attending, is in good health and up to date on all vaccines. I understand that as the owner/handler of my dog I am responsible for its actions and the actions of any persons that accompany me to the Jay Jack seminar. I acknowledge that there are inherent risks when dealing with animals; by signing below I agree that Frostbite Working Dog Club and Jay Jack are not responsible for any injury to myself, my dog, or any persons accompanying me to the workshop. By signing below, I acknowledge that Jay Jack is providing information and demonstrations to improve my dog training skills however it is up to me, the owner/handler, to correctly implement all information provided in order to achieve my goals. I give Frostbite Working Dog Club permission to share any photos taken of myself and/or my dog during the Jay Jack seminar.