Dear Community Leader,
The Thomasville City School District is discussing the possibility of opening a School-Based Health Center to provide health services for students and their families, beginning with primary care health services. Students attending any school within the school district would be eligible to receive services at the School-Based Health Center. Services might include immunizations, physical exams, care of minor illnesses and related family support services. School-Based Health Centers provide health care to all students who have parental permission, regardless of insurance coverage or ability to pay (often at no cost or at low cost).
We are in the process of conducting a needs assessment to determine specific needs. To help us plan for the School-Based Health Center, we would like to ask you a few questions about what you see as the health needs of children and families in our community. Your answers are completely confidential, and you do not need to put your name anywhere on the survey.
Thank you for your help.