Education Program Inquiry
Fill out this form to inquire about the availability of a Rolling Hills Zoo Education Program for your group!
Contact Name
First Name
Last Name
Name of your school, group or organization:
Address (If Zoo To You - Where should we bring our "Zoo" to?)
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
What is the best time to contact you, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Tuesday through Friday?
Hour Minutes
AM/PM Option
Select the Type of Program(s) you're interested in:
ZOO TO YOU • We bring the Zoo to YOU, at your location, with interactive lessons will include hands-on activities with bio-facts and an introduction to three live animals, with a focus on conservation.
DISCOVERY CLASSES • $65 for 1st Program ; $35 for Each Additional Program • 45-minute grade-specific lessons during this interactive, thematically-based program, featuring three (3) live animals, hands-on activities, and animal bio-facts.
TWILIGHT SAFARI • $23 Per Person • FRIDAYS & SATURDAY ONLY, from 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. • This evening program can accommodate no less than 15 people, and no more than 20. Your group does not need to fill all 20 spots. You can reserve as few or as many as you wish within the available spots. Children 4 years old and younger are not permitted. Includes a guided evening Zoo & Wildlife Museum tour, hot dogs & smores for your group to roast over a fire pit, and one Ambassador Animal Encounter. (An Animal Encounter can be added on for an additional charge of $100. This option includes the presentation of three of our Ambassador Animals during your event.)
ANIMAL ENCOUNTER • $100 • This is an add-on for birthday parties, Twilight Safaris, or any other scheduled event ON zoo grounds. This program includes getting to know 3 of our Ambassador Animals. Subject to availability.
Select the Zoo To You program topics you would be interested in:
Life on the Prairie: Learn about the animals in your backyard.
Feline Happy: A program all about cats - large and small!
What's Buggin' Me: A program about why bugs are important!
Adaptations: We'll learn about how animals are equipped to handle the world.
Select the Discovery program topic you would be interested in:
Life on the Prairie: Learn about the animals in your backyard.
Feline Happy: A program all about cats - large and small!
What's Buggin' Me: A program about why bugs are important!
Adaptations: We'll learn about how animals are equipped to handle the world.
Build your own: I'd like to discuss another theme.
How many Programs are you wanting to be presented?
What are the ages of your group, or what grade are your students in?
Please choose three dates that would work for your program(s):
1st Choice Date
2nd Choice Date
3rd Choice Date
What other questions or concerns do you have?
Should be Empty: