Pump Up the Volume with Silkscreen
Instructor - Jamie-Lee Girodat
3 Day Workshop
July 26, August 1, August 8 2023
6:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Who needs halftones? Build your knowledge to create depth without digital processes in screen printing! This workshop will cover a brief refresher of screenprinting before diving deep into drawing and exposure techniques to help define volume in print. Skills learned will include creating stencils with rubylith, which is a specialized film developed for various printing techniques as well as creating tone through posterization - a process where you layer multiple exposures of hand-drawn stencils to create volume in your prints.
Please note this course is intended as a next step preceding basic knowledge of the screen print process. This is an excellent follow up workshop for those who have coated and exposed screens in the past, but need a refresher and or want to learn something new.
The instructor will cover:
- A brief refresher of silkscreen printing
- Advanced drawing techniques for silkscreen
- Layer building with rubylith
- Floating stencils
- Posterization through exposure
$220.00 Supplies included, prices not subject to GST
Class limited to 5 Participants
Participant Experience Level: Some previous screen printing experience required.
Instructor Bio
Jamie-Lee Girodat completed a Bachelor of Fine Arts at the University of Lethbridge and a Master of Fine Arts in Printmaking at the University of Alberta. Her interest in genetic history, health, and ethics informs her practice in print media, drawing, and animation. She has exhibited nationally and internationally and was recently a contract Assistant Professor at the Pierre Lassonde School of Fine Arts at Mount Allison University in New Brunswick.
Website: www.jamieleegirodat.com
Instagram: @piddlepress
About Alberta Printmakers:
Operating in Calgary/Mohkinstsis, A/P cultivates an inclusive and collaborative environment to learn about printmaking, to create printed works, and to pursue exciting artistic opportunities.
To learn more, please visit: www.albertaprintmakers.com | @abprintmakers