Say Their Names Project
NON:op Open Opera Works organization
Impact Response Survey
Did the online memorial map meet your expectations?
Below expectations
Met expectations
Exceeded expectations
How satisfied were you with the layout of the memorial map?
Not satisfied
Moderately satisfied
Very satisfied
If you could change one thing about the layout of the memorial map, what would it be?
Please leave blank if you would keep the map as is.
In your opinion, what is the most interesting or surprising aspect of the map?
How did you learn about the Say Their Names project?
In what setting did you experience the online memorial map?
Public Event
Home and/or alone
With another individual
Which event and where?
How long did you interact with the map?
Less than 5 minutes
5 - 15 minutes
15 - 30 minutes
More than 30 minutes
If you had to sum up your experience viewing this map using one word, what would it be?
Do you think that there is adequate information about the individuals listed on the map?
If not, what would you like to see added?
After viewing the map, are you leaving today with new/different thoughts/perceptions?
In a sentence or two please explain those thoughts/perceptions.
Will you be sharing this experience with your family and friends?
Why or why not?
Does your experience with the map motivate you to learn more about and/or get involved in addressing this issue?
Have you been personally affected by the issue of police violence against Black Americans?
Prefer not to answer
What state do you currently reside in?
What is your ethnicity?
What gender do you identify as?
What is your age?
Would you like to participate or get involved in the Say Their Names project?
Please enter your email to receive more information about Say Their Names.
Please feel free to share any additional thoughts or comments in the space below.
Should be Empty: