Time and Talent Sign Ups
Mission Statement: We exist to encounter Jesus in the Eucharist, overflow with His love and evangelize
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Liturgical Ministries
Adult Choir ----18 years and older
Altar Servers ---- Youth & young adults for weekday and weekend Masses
Art & Environment ---- Group meets to assess our liturgical space and plans for the various seasons.
Audio/Visual Tech --assist with various technology task during Mass and church events such as livestream
Cantors/Instrumentalists ---- Men and women with a musical background and can lead/engage the gathered assembly in song, psalm, and other liturgical responses.
Church Cleaning ---- Volunteers to clean/dust the worship space. Service time is arranged to accommodate your schedule.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion ---- Those parishioners who have received Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist and are 18 years of age or of mature faith, are asked to serve in two ways- some as ministers of the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass, while others take the Eucharist to those who are sick and/or homebound.
Ministers of Hospitality ---- Greeters and ushers play a vital role in our parish liturgies-welcoming, seating people, collecting offerings, assisting those with special needs, etc.
Plant Care ---- Individuals needed to maintain the plants and flowers in Church.
Readers ---- Men and women aged high school and older are invited to proclaim God's Word at Mass and at other parish liturgies. Training is generally held each fall.
Sanctuary Care ---- Individuals or families are needed to prepare the sacristy and altar prior to weekend liturgies.
Councils and Commissions
Finance Council ---- Consultative body to the Pastor for the financial and material administration of IHM Church
Pastoral Council ----CURRENTLY NOT MEETINGAdvise pastor concerning parish budget, vision, and mission. Monitors implementation of 5-year pastoral plan.
Stewardship Commission ---- Work with Pastor and current commission to increase stewardship awareness. Plan annual Time, Talent, and Treasure initiatives.
Parish Life Ministries
Adopt a Garden ---- Small areas on the parish grounds and priests' residence need weeding and gardening. NOTE: NEEDED
Administrative Office Volunteers ---- Greet, answer phones, clerical. We have opportunities in the mornings and afternoons Monday through Friday.
Baking ---- Bake cakes, cookies, etc. for parish events.
Card Ministry (Social Ministry) ---- This ministry supports the sick and those who have lost members of their family. Requires no card making skills, open to those who would like to learn. Materials are provided. The group meets monthly.
Funeral Luncheon Team ---- Assist in the preparation, serving, and cleanup of funeral luncheons at IHM.
Marriage Prep/Mentor Couple ---- Married couples willing to share their faith and experience of marriage with engaged couples. Training is provided.
Prayer Circle (Social Ministry) ---- Opportunity to pray for the sick and those who have experienced death in the family or friendship circles, and special intentions.
Restorative Justice Ministry ---- Become a pen pal/prayer partner to encourage evangelization and faith-sharing with those incarcerated.
Shawl Ministry (Social Ministry) ---- Make quilts, hats, mittens, etc. for those in need including children at St. Vincent Home, homebound parishioners recovering from surgery or illness or in long term care. Yarn provided. Open to those who would like to learn.
Community Meal (Social Ministry) ---- Provide support on the 3rd Sunday of each month and/or donate personal need items for distribution for those in need.
Faith Formation & Development
Facilitators for OCIA ---- Individuals to mentor adults who are interested in becoming Catholic.
Assistant in Catechesis of The Good Shepherd (CGS) ---- Open to those who would like to assist Preschool and Kindergarten aged children in an atrium. CGS provides children an opportunity to spend time in prayer by working with materials and receiving presentations. Training provided by the parish.
Catechist for Catechesis of the Good Shepherd ---- Open to those who are already a CGS Catechist, or those interested in learning about the CGS method of formation, by receiving certified training to become a lead Catechist in an antrum.
Summer Reading Program Volunteer ---- Assist trained reading tutors in a classroom setting for a few hours during the week over a 6 week summer period. Those interested in becoming a reading tutor can receive training to particpate in the program as a tutor.
School Ministries
Athletics ---- Coaches and assistant coaches for various sports.
Lunch Assistant ---- Adults or seniors to assist students in the lunch facility.
Grandparents Club ---- Adults and seniors to assist students in reading or math during the school day.
PTO-- The PTO is the parent support group for teachers and students of Immaculate Heart of Mary. Each classroom has a Representative that is the liaison between the room parents and the classroom teacher. PTO helps with class parties, class trips, and holiday events such Christmas Baskets and the Seder Meal.
Affiliated Organizations
Knights of Columbus ---- A Catholic men's organization that uses stewardship to promote the parish's activity, and that of the larger world. Hold regularly scheduled events, most of which take place at the Church throughout the year.
St. Vincent de Paul ---- Be a part of a ministry team that provides material and spiritual support for the poor of South Lansing.
Hands of Mary/Rosary Makers ---- Foster devotion to our Blessed Mother who draws us to Christ by making rosaries to send to the military and the poor throughout the world, asking people to pray the rosary for World Peace. Work is done at home, whenever you have time. Rosary making and training sessions are held the first Saturday of the month at 9 am (except for holiday weekends) and the Monday following the first Sat. at 6:30 pm. New rosary makers are very much needed!
Saint Monica Sodality ---- Prayer & Faith sharing the second Saturday of each month, 8:45 am.
Holy Spirit Oratory Adorer ---- Pray before the Blessed Sacrament at our Chapel of Perpetual Adoration.
Holy Spirit Oratory Leadership Team ----Take on a specific role to help maintain, support or promote the Adoration Chapel (i.e. Scheduler, Cleaning, Security, Social Media, Librarian, ETC)
Special Skills
Child Care
Event Planning
Foreign Language
Graphic Design
Interior Design
Sign Language
Social Work
Wood working
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