SELLER(S) PERSONAL INFORMATIONThis information is provided in order for us to obtain information such as mortgage payoffs, that need to be paid at closing. We are required to obtain your social security number for tax purposes. This information is sent via secured link to our secured servers to protect your privacy.
If property is part of a Home Owners Association, please complete the following section:
Mobile/Manufactured Home:
Loan Payoff Information
As the seller, you are generally, required to attend closing. However, you are unable to attend and need to appoint a power of attorney for one or more of the seller's, we can prepare a power of attorney. The cost of that is $300.
AUTHORIZATION TO OBTAIN PAYOFFI hereby authorize Darley Law Firm to receive payoff information, loan status information, and any other information related to the above referenced loans in order to facilitate the sale of this property. In the event one of the above referenced loans is a home equity line of credit/credit line, this authorization shall immediately freeze said credit line upon issuance of lender’s payoff statement demand.