PLEASE READ CAREFULLY & SIGN BELOW: I herewith give my permission and assume all responsibility and liability for any illness or accident that might occur to my daughter(s) during their stay at the Schoenstatt Retreat Center. I also authorize medical personnel to provide emergency treatment in case I cannot be reached.
I hereby grant permission for transportation for scheduled outings planned during the Ver Sacrm Time events.
I hereby grant permission for approved PG or PG13 movies during Ver Sacrum Time events.
I hereby grant to the Schoenstatt Girls and Young Women the right to use or to reproduce video images, photographs, likenesses or the voice of my daughter(s) in any legal manner and for the internal and external promotional and informational materials of the Schoenstatt Girls and Young Women.
I understand that the Schoenstatt Movement will exercise the utmost discretion in the use of any photographs or videos taken of my daughter(s) at Schoenstatt events.
I understand that this permission form is good for Ver Sacrum Time events from April 2023 to April 2024.