Indicate the available time(s) when you have at least 4 consecutive hours to spend with a provider. If you plan to take the train, please check the schedule to ensure there is time after class (or another responsibility).
You are free Wednesday’s after the 11:35-12:45 class. The next available train to Winfield (close to CDH hospital) leaves College Ave at 1:30pm, arriving at Winfield around 1:37, your observation would begin around 2pm. You can plan a three-hour observation experience (2-5pm). The train back is 5:49pm so you’d want to bring a book/homework for that time.
Please list the times you are available each day beginning as early as 7:00am. Include evenings, overnights, and weekends if you want to observe during those time slots.
Mondays: 7am-12:30pm, 4:30pm-8:30pm
Tuesdays: 5pm-7am
Wednesdays: 7am-12:30pm, 4 pm-10pm
Thursdays: 7am-10:30am, 5pm to 8pm
Fridays: 7am- 11am, 5pm-7am
Saturdays: 7am-midnight
Sundays: 1p-10p
*During the week, the train runs from College Avenue station to the Winfield station from 6:43am until 10:45pm. On the weekends, 9:30am to 10:45pm.