To complete this form, you will need:
All gardens must be cleared and cleaned at the "End-of-Use" (renounced early/mid-season) and/or "End-of-Season" (at the end of the growing season) per the provided cleaning practices and deadline. If a garden is abandoned during the year, or the gardener fails to clean up their garden in the fall, they will be assessed with a cleaning fee.
For End-of-Season Renouncements (Only):
Plot recipients may renounce – or voluntarily cease to keep or claim – their plot at any time by making written notice to CTC’s office (via submitting the Plot Termination form) and by clearing the site of all debris and plant material. Yet, the responsibility for payment of fees, cleanup and other duties at the site will be the responsibility of the individual whose name is initially assigned to the plot. Once a gardener renounces their assigned plot mid-season, this cannot be undone and the plot will be offered to a gardener on the waitlist.
Note: Like a move-out or vacate date, your end-date (if before the season-end clearing deadline) is the final day that you hold claim and responsibility for the plot*. Thus, you must be completely finished clearing your plot/site, removed all items/plants, and are ready to turnover the plot to CTC/the next gardener - otherwise accept associated fees and other resulting consequences that may apply.
Once you provide an end-date to renounce your plot, this date cannot be changed or undone, as reassignment or winterization are coordinated immediately.