Health Disclaimer: We do not guarantee the health of any animals offered for adoption however we will be very honest about any pre-existing illness' and supply their digital medical files at time of adoption.
Any time you adopt an animal, you should take it to a licensed veterinarian for a full check up. Your animal is, to the best of our knowledge, healthy. Please be aware that the animals available for adoption are rescue animals and, as such, have often been exposed to a variety of diseases. However we have done our best to give them the best treatment possible since their rescue. However some illness' can have an incubation period of up to several weeks. If the animal you adopt shows signs of illness at any point, you must take it promptly to your veterinarian for treatment and notify Mission Paws'ible USA.
All our animals have a two week trial period. If the animal is suffering a pre-existing illness that appears during this time Mission Paws'ible will cover the cost. However, if for any other reason the animal needs medical attention due to a new exposure or injury, this is a cost to the adopter.