Please Select
Marlin & Broadbill
Tuna - Yellowfin, Bluefin, Bigeye
Tuna - Albacore
Shark - Mako, Tiger, Whaler, Thresher, Hammerhead
Shark - Blue
Mahi Mahi (Dolphinfish)
Striped Tuna, Mack Tuna
Line Class:
Please Select
Capture Points...
... OR... MAX Capture Points:
(T&R Points Factor)
Tag & Release Points:
(Capture Multiplier)
(Capture Line Class Factor)
(Kingfish/Dolphinfish T&R Points Factor)
(Junior T&R Points Factor)
Info 1:
Striped, Black & Blue Marlin: Minimum weights: 70Kg on line 4-10 90Kg on line 15-60. Minimum weights for Juniors & Small Fry: 60Kg on line 4-10 80Kg on line 15-60. Minimum weight for broadbill swordfish is equal to line class in all cases.
Info 2:
Yellowfin, Bluefin, Southern Bluefin, Dogtooth & Bigeye Tuna. Minimum weights: 15kg on line 4-15 Equal to line class on line 24-60. Minimum weights for Juniors & Small Fry: Equal to the line class in all cases.
Info 3:
Albacore & Longtail Tuna & includes Spanish Mackeral and Wahoo. Minimum weights: Equal to line class in all cases.
Info 4:
Sharks (excluding Blue Sharks): Minimum weights: Mako, Whaler, Thresher, Hammerhead, Porbeable. 70Kg on line 6-10 90Kg on line 15-37 130Kg on line 60. Tiger Sharks. 120Kg on line 6-10 200Kg on line 15-24 250Kg on line 37-60. No points for sharks on 4Kg line.
Info 5:
Blue Sharks. Minimum weights: 100Kg on line 6-10 125Kg on line 15-24 150Kg on line 37-60. No points for sharks on 4Kg line.
Info 6:
Shortbill Spearfish & Sailfish. Minimum weight: Equal to line class.
Info 7:
Mahi Mahi (Dolphinfish). Minimum weight: Equal to line class. Tag & Release: Maximum 5 per person per day, Maximum 10 per boat per day.
Info 8:
Kingfish. Minimum length & weight: Minimum length 70cm. Weight equal to line class. Tag & Release: Minimum length 70cm for Senior Anglers. No minimum length for Junior measure & release. Maximum 5 per person per day, Maximum 10 per boat per day.
Info 9:
Striped Tuna & Mack Tuna. Junior and Small Fry Anglers only. Measure & Release: Maximum 5 per person per day, Maximum 10 per boat per day.
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