Project New Start interest form
Program Description:
Project New Start is a job placement program offering mental health and legal services for those who have experienced incarceration. Our team works together to develop an individualized plan that meets the needs of each participant in overcoming barriers to employment. Eligibility for this program is that you must be 18+ years or older, and have had an impactful interaction with law enforcement or the justice system (even for one day).
Services include individualized support from a peer support specialist, a social worker, and an occupational therapist; legal aid assistance; involvement in work readiness workshops; support in vocational exploration; and encouragement of community.
Training options include:
- Industrial arts studio-based training that explores and expands marketable creative talents.
- Technology and Social media developing skills in using technology and social media to tell stories and engage followers
- Peer work an introductory overview of what is involved in becoming a State Certified Peer Specialist using lived experience and expertise to help others.
If you are interested in this program, fill out this form.