Irvington Presbyterian Church
25 North Broadway, Irvington, NY 10533
Photo Policy and Consent Form
At Good Shepherd, we take photographs of the children participating in classroom activities and special events throughout the year. Photographs are taken using school cameras or tablets and not personal cell phones.
To enhance our communication with you, we send photographs to you, via email, as part of our classroom newsletters. The photographs serve to illustrate the activity, fun, and learning that your child and his/her peers engage in during their day. They are a tool for you to use with your child to discuss their classroom experience.
We may also use photographs in classroom books, bulletin boards, school brochures, advertisments, posters; and/or on our website and our Facebook page. Please note that a child’s name is never visible in a photograph used for any type of publicity. The Director screens photographs selected for publicity use very carefully.
We take your safety and security seriously, if you have any questions about this policy please talk with the Director or your classroom teacher.