Stormwater Inspection Form
Site Location:
Inspection Date
Hour Minutes
AM/PM Option
Good Housekeeping
Are outside areas kept neat, clean, and orderly?
Are storm drain inlets labeled "No dumping?" (not a requirement)
Are garbage cans, waste bins and dumpsters covered?
Has the stormwater conveyance system been recently altered?
If yes, does the alteration maintain SWPPP compliance?
Are stormwater drainage paths clear? Grates clean?
Are vehicles/aircraft or equipment cleaned at this facility?
If yes, is wash water being collected and disposed of properly?
Hazardous Material Storage
Are vehicles/aircraft fueled at this location?
If yes, are fuel tanks locked and/or properly operated?
If yes, are measures taken to protect storm drains from spills?
Do aboveground tanks (liquids) have secondary containment?
Are containment structures or surface slabs liquid tight?
Does this site store hazardous materials such as solvents, pesticides, and/or acids/bases?
If yes, are containers weathertight or covered?
If yes, are ignitable or reactive wastes stored at least 50-feet from the property line?
Are containers labeled?
Has the facility had a hazardous waste spill since the last inspection?
If yes, was the problem resulting in the spill corrected?
Other Best Management Practices
Does this site store hazardous or other materials that could impact the storm drain such as detergent, paint, de-icing compound, or powders?
If yes, are they stored in manner prohibiting exposure to rain or runoff?
Are waste materials kept on site in closed leak tight containers?
Are all leaking vehicle/aircraft or equipment equipped with drip pans?
Are erodible soils uncovered or exposed to rainwater?
Is the ground surface stained by oil or significant materials?
If yes, has the source been found and contained?
Are truck unloading areas covered?
Does the facility have a clarifier/oil/water separator?
If yes, is it clean and functioning properly?
Has this facility received a complaint regarding stormwater discharge?
If yes, has the problem been addressed?
Are spill response materials available? (for example: sand; sorbent booms/pillows/blankets; kitty litter; drip pans; etc.)
Have personnel received training on Stormwater Pollution Prevention?
Identify existing management practices employed to reduce pollutants in storm water discharges: [examples- good housekeeping; containment; berms; leachate collection; sand filter; recycling; retention facilities; silt fence; sorbent booms; spill mitigation; oil/water/separator; dead-end sumps; etc.]
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