This includes: 4x4 post and rope, picket fencing, maintenance yard fence, telephone pole fencing, Circuit breaker fencing, railings, front gate house bollards, barricades, cones, chain link fencing, The Park entrance gate, the chained entrances to the historic core, the North Party Area and trail to the Cove.
Stripped paint: Price will vary depending on the severity of the damage and the price of the paint
4x4 post and rope fencing:
For events, the 4x4 and well as the green telephone posts that are used as fencing are NOT to be removed. The rope can be removed by the park staff UPON REQUEST.
If rope is removed without permission, there will be a penalty fee of $2 per foot of rope removed.
If a post is removed there will be a penalty ranging between $75 and $100 per post removed.
Reinstalling existing post: $75
Replacing existing post: $100
*Replacement of posts depends on the damage done to the existing posts.
*A $25 dollar fee applies to create 2 cycle mix gas in order to fuel the auger tool to install posts. An hourly labor cost also applies.
Picket Fencing, Maintenance Yard and Circuit Breaker Fencing:
Price Ranges: varies on contractor
Screws, nails, other hardware: will range between $300 and $1000 depending on the severity of damages
Board panels: price of a replacement board plus labor costs $200-
Stripped paint/stain: Price will vary depending on the severity of the damage and the price of the paint required to cover.
Chain link fencing:
Damage includes left over signage, cut chain link Price Ranges: $200.00 +
Signage: Any remaining event signage will be charged a fee of $25 per day until the sign is picked up
Chain Link: Any cut chain link will be subject to gate replacement fees