By signing below, I certify that all the information I have provided above is correct, and that I am able to financially and physically care for a dog.
I understand that Save A Kill Shelter Dog will continue to support the adoption as best they can; should a welfare/wellbeing situation risk arise, Save a Kill Shelter Dog reserve the right to revoke the adoption contract and take the dog back.
I understand that the rescue offers rescue back up whilst the rescue is operational, but this is for extreme cases where a dog cannot remain in the home for unforeseen circumstances. Rescue back up can take up to 90 days to find an alternative suitable home, the rescue do not use kennels and will not place any dogs in circumstances that will be detrimental to the dogs development and well-being and therefore I will be expected to take care of the dog I have adopted until alternative arrangements have been made.
I will not rehome my dog and should any unforeseen circumstances arise where the rescue is in agreeance that the dog should be rehomed I will support the rescue in find a suitable alternative home of which must be homechecked and approved.
I am fully aware that the rescue is a very small rescue of a small number of volunteers who do this to save the lives of dogs in need and do not profit or benefit personally. These volunteers have full-time jobs and families and commitments and although they will continue to support me where best they can I take full responsibility of ensuring my dog receives the correct care and commitment I have stated in this application form.
I understand that dogs can take up to 3 months to decompress and settle and the behaviours that may exhibit before this time need to be understood, with time and patience, but should I need to seek guidance I will do so by contacting and receiving support from an approved and appropriate behaviourist or trainer who specialises specifically in Romanian Rescued Dogs and only uses reward and positive based techniques. The rescue do not approve of any fear based training.
I will register my dogs ID CHIP on arrival with Petlog and always have a collar and tag AS REQUIRED BY LAW. I will register my dog with my vet and insure my dog. I accept that returning a dog for financial reasons is not accepted and can be avoided by taking out dog insurance to cover any eventualities.
In the first 6 months I will provide regular updates to the Rescue regarding my dogs progress.
I have fully considered all the options and issues around adopting a rescue dog from Save a Kill Shelter Dog, and I am ready to proceed with the next step of my application. I agree with the statements made in the Declaration above.
This application forms the adoption contract upon approval of adopting a dog with Save a Kill Shelter Dog Rescue.