What: Vacation Bible School
Who: 3K-5th graders
When: June 16-20, 2025 9:00 am -12:30 pm
Where: Holy Cross
Why: The curriculum, "At the Table," this VBS curriculum is driven by a conviction that all stories are sacred and deserve to be shared because they are part of God’s story. "At the Table” is a chance to build your faith community’s confidence in telling its own story in preparation to share that story with the world around. This is the first step toward advocacy: having the strength to tell our own stories and the openness to hear and learn from others. We are excited to meet you at the table for a week of stories, games, crafts, friendship & so much more!
Note: Lunch will be served. If you prefer to bring your child a lunch, there is an opt-out button below. Please fill out the allergy information section.