Immunizing your pet is an important procedure as it's one of the most cost-effective ways of maintaining a pet's health, longevity and quality of life. In most cases it will provide protection against an illness that may be life threatening.
Important facts about vaccines:
· We follow the AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association), AAHA (American Animal Hospital Association), and AAFP (American Association of Feline Practitioners) guidelines for our vaccine protocols for our hospital and boarding facilities.
· Vaccinations given at the appropriate age and at the appropriate intervals will greatly benefit your pet and protect him/her against some life threatening diseases.
· Although most pets do not react adversely to a vaccination, some have had allergic or other systemic reactions after receiving a vaccine. Occasionally the allergic reaction can be so profound that it may be life threatening, however this is very rare.
· Vaccine decisions should only come after your pet's age and the risk of exposure to disease are considered by you and your veterinarian. Our staff does offer the basic vaccine guidelines, however, if you have further questions about appropriate vaccines for your pet, we recommend your dog receive vaccines as an appointment with a veterinarian with a discussion.
· Considerations for vaccines: The AVMA/AAHA lists Rabies and Distemper-Parvo vaccines as CORE vaccines for dogs, meaning all dogs should be protected against these diseases. NON-CORE vaccines include leptospirosis, influenza, and bordetella, which are recommended for dogs who spend significant time outdoors, in parks, campgrounds, or visit boarding or grooming facilities.