How to use the guide
The purpose of this guide is to familiarize you with competency areas that will be tested, and the different item formats used.
This guide is organized by competency domain. The first part of each section will list the elements of each domain and ask you to self-assess your experience and knowledge of each item. You can use your responses to map a plan of focus points for additional study, experience, or practice.
After you have completed your self-assessment of each area, you will have an opportunity to complete a few sample questions to get a sense of the type and format of questions used and how the questions relate to the test blueprint. You also may find it helpful to look at the sample questions and determine which element from the domain it assesses. A brief commentary is provided with each question to provide you with additional insight in understanding how questions are constructed and mapped to the domain.
The items are representative of the style and content of the items used on the current National Competency Exam (NCE). While some questions may have only one correct answer, some questions may have multiple options that must be chosen to answer the question correctly. If more than one option must be chosen, it will be pointed out in the question. If more than one option is asked for, you must answer with all the correct options to get credit for the question. No partial credit is given. Be sure to read the question carefully and pay special attention to words like: BEST, NEXT, NOT, DO NOT, FALSE, TRUE, SELECT ALL, MOST, and LEAST.