Hiring Customer Success Managers
Come aboard Credit Leverage X and take advantage of a Finance CSM's position where most CSM's earn between $3,000 to $10,000+ per month you will get paid a % of each client you manage so the more clients you can handle to more money you will make. This role presents a significant potential for growth, and as an added bonus, you'll have the opportunity to repair your credit and learn the skill of funding as part of the package.
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Facebook URL
Where are you located?
California, New York Etc.
What Attracts You About This Role?
What is your Coaching Industry Or Finance Experience ?
This is a coaching position and will require you to be proactive and go out of your way to help people. This requires time management skills and the ability to have tough conversations with people. Does this sound like it will be a good fit for you?
Do you have a computer and know how to use zoom?
When Can You Start?
Loom Video URL - (Record a short video of your self and why we should hire you)
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