Are you currently a coach, speaker, consultant, author, professional OR can you solve a MAJOR PROBLEM for others using your previous experience and/or expertise?
Please describe your expertise and the main problem you can solve for others? (i.e. I help my clients accomplish/overcome/obtain ______ by… )
Are you currently making an income using your expertise to solve this problem for others?
Please Select
Yes I am
Not yet, but I’m committed to starting an online business
No, I’m not a coach, expert, or health practitioner - I have a different business
What best describes your current situation?
Please Select
I NEED HELP SCALING MY OFFER - I have a high-ticket offer ready to go, I’ve enrolled at least 5 people into it, and I’m ready for more!
I NEED HELP GETTING MY FIRST CLIENTS - I Have a high-ticket offer ready to go, but I need help finding my first 5-10 high-ticket clients.
I NEED HELP REFINING MY OFFER - I have a random assortment of clients, but I don’t have a high ticket offer and I need help creating one, and the marketing to sell it.
I’M STARTING FROM SCRATCH - I Have no offer and no clients (yet) but I’m committed and I want to get this thing off the ground!
What is your target monthly income?
Please Select
$5k / month
$10k / month
$20k / month
$50k / month
$100k / month or more
If a mentor advised you to spend $1,000 on ads, I would...
Please Select
Do it, because I know it’s what any serious entrepreneur needs to do to grow a real business.
Would be a little intimidated, yet with a proven system I would do it because I’m serious about my business.
Avoid it at all costs, because I don’t believe in advertising and I want to do things as cheaply as possible.
Which of the following best describes your financial situation?
Please Select
I have plenty of cash and credit to invest in growing this business. ($10,000 or more).
I’m living paycheck-to-paycheck, so getting the funds together to grow this business may be a challenge but possible if that is what is needed.
Money is a constant source of stress - I don’t have any funds or credit at all, and I want to keep my business exactly where it’s at.
Last question: how soon are you committed to building a high-ticket business?
Please Select
RIGHT NOW - I want to get started immediately.
WITHIN 90 DAYS - I have other things to attend to first
MORE THAN 90 DAYS - I want to do this eventually but I’m not sure when.
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